An unfinished developed idea of an Asian themed coffee table with storage compartment. Influenced by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, Jomon Art and Asuka and Nara Period
An unfinished developed idea of an Asian themed coffee table with storage compartment. Influenced by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, Jomon Art and Asuka and Nara Period
A developed idea of a desk lamp with inspiration from cigarette lighters.
The final design of my desk lamp, this was the design I created in the end.
A drawing of an existing lamp already in the workshop. Inspired by Big Ben.
Initial Ideas of desk lamps.
My favourite Disney character I decided to draw as an observational drawing from an action figure I had.
A design for the cover page of an app for my family's business.
Skateboard deck designs using the name family's business as the company name.
Lyrics from one of my favourite songs, by one of my favourite bands .
Lyrics that speak out to me the most by an artist who I am very fond of.
Observational drawing of a grapefruit and an apple cut in half. My favourite foods to eat.
Pop Art mood board used for inspiration when designing my chair.
Observational drawing of my Polaroid camera, which is one of my most prized possessions.
Self Portrait of myself with the background of people close to me, people who I take inspiration from, music i enjoy listening to and artists places I am very fond of.